It’s Reuben and I’m head of marketing at LEAD, founder at Cat Insights. When we started LEAD – we were extremely scrappy. To market courses, we relied on platforms such as Eventbrite, Peatix. To deliver content, we made use of Facebook groups. Recently, we’ve been creating more content and building more solutions for our customers. To… Continue reading
Posts in "General"
Being specific
Consider these questions: Are there any questions? Is there anything I can do to help you? Those are bad unspecific questions that often lead to no questions being asked and no help needed. Yet, presenters ask that question all the time at the end of their presentations. A great tactic – is to be specific…. Continue reading
How I made USD31,398,100 online
Speak about a Clickbait. Hello and welcome to my blog. And the truth is, you could do it too! Just watch the video below: Not everybody does this of course. But how many times have you seen people screenshot their payments online – and then say they can teach you the same? All I’m saying… Continue reading
Can We Actually Like Ads?
The digital landscape today is filled with ads. Log on to your favourite social media platform, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat or YouTube. Ads are everywhere. Through the years, they quickly became annoying and we started getting smarter. We install ad blockers to get less of ads that irritate us. But can we actually like ads? I believe… Continue reading
[18th June Workshop Event] – Build Your Website & Monetize With 5 Different Strategies
Websites are pretty common these days. In fact, you could probably build your own website quickly using a website builder like Wix or PageCloud. But to me, a website/blog is pretty powerful. That’s because I know 5 proven ways to monetize from websites that you can launch for just as low as RM50 each. Here’s… Continue reading
KL Branding – No Publicity Is Bad Publicity
Let’s all agree that the new KL branding and tagline logo, looks horrid. The logo work seemed like a result of an in-house design competition, and overall the brand design lacks aesthetics and seriously doesn’t come close to any design rule. If you haven’t heard about the story, you can read it up here People… Continue reading
Hatyai Trip Experience – 19th June 15
Not the first time I’ve been to Hatyai, but I thought of writing it this round. Meeting my girlfriend in between (she works in Bangkok & yes she’s Malaysian), so I traveled from Penang with a tour van and she flew from Bangkok. It amuses me how people always think I have a Thai girlfriend whenever… Continue reading
Make Driving Time Learning Time
People got the Monday blues, I had the Monday jam. Being stuck in a traffic jam is something I really dislike. Who actually enjoys being in jams anyway? Let me know if you enjoy being stuck in traffic jams. Even if you’re someone who dreads going to work and look to waste as much time as… Continue reading
What Is This Blog About?
My name is Reuben Ch’ng. I’m an entrepreneur and a music producer. I run a marketing firm, Jar Creations and Cat Studio a music school based in Georgetown, Penang. Along with that I play around and run a few more little startups (or more like hobbies). One of them is Audio Mentor, where I occasionally… Continue reading