I’ve been on earth for 32 years. Here are the 22 lessons around business, marketing, and career that are on my mind this year. 1 – Everybody is biased. Life as you know it is unique to you. How you perceive ‘life’ is based on your perception, bias and mostly the story you tell yourself…. Continue reading
Posts in "Business"
How I made USD800 from a guest post email
If you own a content website, you’re no stranger to receiving emails from strangers. I get asked for a guest post every day! These are basically people hoping to get backlinks from your website. Here’s how it works: They ask to submit a free guest post. Gives you content that contains links to their website…. Continue reading
How To Make Money Selling Websites
Recession is coming (maybe). Maybe you’re worried. I am. But remember, the biggest opportunities are made during the bad times. Over the last weekend, we ran a workshop to teach people how to build a website. We did 2 sessions, and more than 20 people (with no tech background) built a website and put it… Continue reading
How to get hired
Prior to popular advice you find online like – “Use a Template!, put a picture!” The truth is hiring managers and bosses who hire want very different things. And their priority is definitely not looking for a resume with a nice template. I know, because I’ve hired and I’ve been hired before. Great hires don’t… Continue reading
What having a baby taught me as an entrepreneur

First – huge respect for working parents juggling their work around looking after a baby. As a recent first-time father, my whole world as an entrepreneur changed. Work became challenging, not because there wasn’t enough time, but because I can’t sit at the desk for a long time anymore. Whether you’re writing copy, building products,… Continue reading
5 Money Mindsets to Adopt as a Freelancer
Here’s a popular story: A young elephant was tied to a small stake in the ground. As a baby elephant, it is unable to lift the stake up. Eventually, the elephant learns that and stops trying. Soon, the elephant becomes an adult and gains enough strength to lift the stake. But it remains tied up… Continue reading
Renter vs Owner
Yesterday, near midnight – I was in bed, chatting with a friend on WhatsApp when my messages didn’t seem to send anymore. Must be my internet, I thought. I shrugged it off, turn over on my side to talk to my wife, then did a bit of reading before going to sleep. Ding! Just before… Continue reading
8 Ways to Make Money From Home
Last year in April 2020, during the midst of the first MCO – I wrote a list of 8 side-hustles marketers can do to make money. Fast forward today, we’re undergoing the third lockdown. So, I thought about sharing more monetization ideas, for those stuck at home. The world, people, need problems solved. Here are… Continue reading
When we try hacking growth.

In July 2020 (in the midst of the RMCO), I picked up Tennis. It wasn’t an easy sport to master and even with off and on weekly sessions over nearly a year – today, I’m still very much a below-average player. And that’s development works. In all of life, there are sequential stages of growth. A… Continue reading
Bad time to start a business
During bad times (like right now), our lizard brain say don’t do something crazy like starting a business. “It’s too risky, and uncertain.” During good times, it says, dont start a business. Competition is fiercer than ever. Salaries are high. “Don’t be silly, it says.” There’s no better time to do what others refuse to… Continue reading